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Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery in eyes with Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy

Poster Details

First Author: S.Shukhaev RUSSIA

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


The purpose of the study was to evaluate complications of the surgery and endothelial cell loss after femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) in the eyes with Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy.


S.N. Fyodorov’s Eye Microsurgery Complex, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


85 patients (85 eyes) were included in this prospective clinical study. Patients in group 1 (n=22) had Fuchs’ dystrophy and underwent FLACS procedure. Patients in group 2 (n=30) had normal cornea and underwent FLACS procedure. Patients in group 3 (n=33) had Fuchs’ dystrophy and underwent conventional manual phacoemulsification. Endothelial cell densities were measured before and after the surgery at 1 week and 1 month time points (Tomey EM-3000).


Prior to the surgery, all groups showed similar cataract grade and nuclear density (p>.05). Postoperatively, the complications of the laser part of the surgery were similar in groups 1 and 2. No complications of the manual part of the surgery were seen in any group. In the eyes with Fuchs’ dystrophy (groups 1 and 3), endothelial cell loss was found to be significantly greater in the manual group (group 3), as compared to the FLACS group (p<.05).


Our results show that in order to preserve the endothelial integrity, FLACS proves to be safer procedure.

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