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Corneal cross-linking with epithelial removal: safeness and effectiveness at 1 year follow-up

Poster Details

First Author: A.Rampone ITALY

Co Author(s):    A. Orrico   M. Bifani   M. Lanza   S. Sbordone           

Abstract Details


To analyze changes in corneal shape and in corneal aberrations in keratoconus affected patients (KC) after 12 months of corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) with epi-off treatment.


Dipartimento Multidisciplinare Di Specialta, Mediche, Chirurgiche, Seconda Universita'Di Napoli, Napoli, Italy


CXL has been performed in 20 eyes of 18 patients with a mean age of 25,04 ± 6,96 (11 male and 7 female) affected by KC grade 2 according with Krumeich classification. KC patient was followed in KC unit of our Department and KC progression have been detected before CXL. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), corneal power, central corneal thickness (CCT), corneal thinnest point (CTP) and corneal aberrations were measured in all eyes before undergoing CXL and repeated at 1,3,6 and 12 months. Corneal analysis has been performed using Pentacam HR (Oculus). Differences have been tested with student T test.


At 12 months follow up, a significant (p<0.05) reduction of anterior corneal curvature measured as steepest meridian (mean: -2,92 ± 2,06D) and as mean curvature (mean: -2,69 ± 1,90D) but no significant (p=0.11) changes occurred in flattest meridian (mean:-2,199±1,55D). no significant variations were detected in aberration analysis over time for ASTIG, (p= 0,07) SA (p=0,12) and COMA (p=0,09).


According to our data, even if they need to be confirmed in studies with larger population and longer follow-up, CXL seems to be effective in reducing corneal curvature in KC patients without inducing worsening of aberration that could lead to reduction of vision quality.

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