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Pellucid marginal degeneration: a case report

Poster Details

First Author: D.Dascalescu ROMANIA

Co Author(s):    M. Constantin   C. Ionescu   M. Cristea   C. Corbu           

Abstract Details


To report the possibility of treatment in a patient with Pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD), primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and posterior subcapsular cataract, after corneal collagen crosslinking.


Clinical Ophthalmology Emergency Hospital Bucharest


A 76 year old patient with OU POAG, RE subcapsular cataract presented with blurred vision in her right eye. Best corrected vision acuity was RE= 0,2 with -1,75 cyl x 95 and LE=0,5 with -1,50 sf / -1,50 cyl x 110. IOP RE= 19 mmHg and LE= 20 mmHg (OU with maximal treatment). Slit lamp examination in RE shows protrusion of the cornea, peripheral thinning, superficial erosion and Descemet membrane rupture. Pachimetry shows RE inferior thickness 226 μ, while topography RE ( 44,66 D x 180/ -7,29 cyl x90) reveals an aspect of butterfly wings.


Pacient underwent local treatment with therapeutic contact lens, pathogenic treatment for glaucoma and surgical treatment for stabilizing the cornea (corneal collagen cross-linking with Riboflavin EPI-ON( C3-R)).


After C3-R, the cornea stabilized without major improvement of visual acuity due to the cataract and the preexistent damage from glaucoma. Cataract surgery is taken into account inspite of a possible acute evolution of corneal ectazia, such as hidrops, in an elderly patient. Other case peculiarities: POAG associated with PMD.

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