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Corneal collagen cross-linking for resistant infectious keratitis

Poster Details

First Author: R.Borbara UK

Co Author(s):    S. Makuloluwe   A. Trunbull   D. Anderson   P. Hossain           

Abstract Details


to describe the use of corneal collagen cross linking in a case of severe resistant infecrious keratitis not responding to intensive topical broad spectrum antibiotics.


Ophthalmology Department, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK


corneal ulcer resistant to medical therapy was treated with corneal collagen cross linking using hypotonic riboflavin 0.1% drops as directed by corneal thickness and ultraviolet light 3 mW for 10 minutes, 5 cm away from the cornea. Slit lamp photographs and anterior segment optical coherence tomography were obtained prior and at each follow up visit following the procedure.


Following the procedure there was accelerated healing of the ulcer with restoration of functional vision. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography demonstrate the depth of the corneal ulcer and the post operative healing.


Corneal collagen cross linking is an effective method for treatment of infectious keratitis not responding to broad spectrum antibiotics

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