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Changes of intraocular pressure and cornea biomechanical properties after cataract phacoemulsification

Poster Details

First Author: M.Yugay RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    A. Ryabtseva                    

Abstract Details


Cataract phacoemulsification is accompanied by changes in intraocular pressure and biomechanical parameters of the eye. Corneal hysteresis characterizies the visco-elastic properties of the cornea. Our purpose was to analyse the changes of intraocular pressure and corneal hysteresis during 3 months after phaco.


Moscow Region Scientific Research Clinical Institute, Moscow, Russia


The study included 75 eyes of 75 patients who underwent uncomplicated phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. Preoperative examination included standard techniques and measurement of corneal hysteresis, corneal compensated intraocular pressure (IOP) and Goldman IOP by Ocular Response Analyzer, repeated before surgery, 1 day, 2 weeks, 1 and 3 months after surgery.


Corneal hysteresis decreased on the first day after cataract phacoemulsification from 9,95±0,28 mm Hg to 8,95±0,29mm Hg and after 2 weeks to 7,96±1,11 mm Hg (p<0,05). Then corneal hysteresis started to increase and after 3 months after surgery returned to preoperative values (9,58±0,43mm Hg). Intraocular pressure raised after surgery by 3 mm Hg, decreased to preoperative values by 1 month after phaco, and continued to decrease by 1,5-2mm Hg up to 3 months after phacoemulsification.


Corneal hysteresis decreased in the early postoperative period after phaco, dropping to a minimum 2 weeks after surgery. Then corneal hysteresis gradually increased, reaching preoperative values at 3 months after surgery. Changes of intraocular pressure are opposite to changes of corneal hysteresis.

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