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Demographic factors of the eye and Corvis ST parameters

Poster Details

First Author: Y.Kiuchi JAPAN

Co Author(s):    S. Nakakura   Y. Nakao   H. Tabuchi   U. Rimayanti           

Abstract Details


The Corvis ST is a new non-contact tonometry system integrated with an ultra-high-speed Scheimpflug camera. This instrument displays information on corneal deformation in real time and allows a direct description of the mechanical behavior of the cornea. The biomechanical parameters provided by Corvis ST may be associated with diseases such as keratoconus, glaucoma and diabetes mellitus. However, the ocular factors correlated to the each Corvis parameters are not well understood. The purpose of our study is to determine the demographic factors that affect the biomechanical parameters provided by Corvis ST.


Prospective case series/ Department of Ophthalmology Hiroshima University Hospital and Tsukazaki Hospital


A prospective analysis was performed on 77 eyes pf 77 participants (mean age, 54.4±24.3 years old) at the Hiroshima University Hospital and the Tsukazaki hospital. The relationships between the amount of biomechanical parameters provided by Corvis ST, and the age, gender, intraocular pressure (IOP), central corneal thickness (CCT), radius of corneal curvature, and axial length and lens conditions ( phakia or pseudo -phakia)were evaluated using Pearson’s correlation coefficients for each parameters. The significant factors identified by the Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used for the multiple regression analysis to evaluate the independent predictors of each Corvis parameters.


The IOP reading by Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) had a strong effect on the deformation amplitude (DA), first applanation time (A1 time), first applanation velocity (A1 velocity), second applanation time (A2 time), and second applanation velocity (A2 velocity) (F value >30.0). Age, CCT and axial length had moderate correlation with DA, A1 time, A1 velocity, A2 time and A2 velocity. DA, A1 time, A2 time and A2 velocity were well expressed by GAT, age, CCT and axial length (adjusted R2 >0.37)


Among the parameters from Corvis ST, DA, A1 time, A2 time and A2 velocity is highly correlated with the demographic factors of the eye.

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