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Interaction between corneal variance indices and various ocular parameters in patients with refractive error

Poster Details

First Author: T.Huseynova AZERBAIJAN

Co Author(s):    I. Sharif   O. Yilmaz                 

Abstract Details


To determine the interaction between corneal variance indices and various ocular parameters in patients with refractive error.


Briz-L Eye Clinic, Baku, Azerbaijan.


One hundred one eyes of 51 patients with refractive error were enrolled. Index of Surface Variance (ISV), Index of Vertical Asymmetry (IVA), Center keratoconus Index (CKI), Index of Height Asymmetry (IHA) and Index of Height Decentration (IHD), radius minimum (RM), and also Kmax, and Qvalue were recorded using Pentacam Scheimpflug camera (Pentacam HR, Oculus, Germany). The parameters of corneal variance indices were correlated with age, MRSE, IOP, Qvalue, thinnest corneal thickness (TCT) and Kmax.


ISV was negatively correlated with manifest cylinder, IOP, Qvalue, and positively correlated with MRSE, and Kmax. IVA was negatively correlated with Qvalue, and positively correlated with Kmax. IHA was positively correlated with Kmax. IHD was positively correlated with MRSE, Kmax and negatively correlated with RM. RM was positively correlated with mean cylinder, TCT, and negatively correlated with Kmax. CKI was negatively correlated with Qvalue, and age.


The interaction between corneal variance indices and ocular parameters in patients with refractive error might be in help in clinical practice for predicting corneal disorders after corneal refractive surgery.

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