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Safety and efficacy of INTACS intracorneal ring segment implantation to improve best-corrected visual acuity in paediatric keratoconus: up to eight year follow-up

Poster Details

First Author: A.Hemade LEBANON

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To evaluate the safety and clinical outcomes of INTACS intracorneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation in pediatric keratoconic patients to enhance corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA).


The study was conducted at the Beirut Eye Specialist Hospital, a Tertiary referral eye hospital in Beirut, Lebanon


This retrospective case series study included pediatric patients, less than 14 years,with keratoconus and poor CDVA who underwent ICRS implantation. INTACS ICRS was inserted manually under general anesthesia in two eyes of one patient and with the help of an Intralase femtosecond laser in six eyes of four patients. Records were reviewed and data were collected preoperatively, at 6monthspostoperatively, and during the last follow-up.


INTACS rings were implanted in five male patients (eight eyes),aged 9–14 years and followed-up from 12 months to 8 years. The median CDVA improved following ICRS insertion (0.35logMAR preoperatively vs.0.07logMAR at the final postoperative visit). The median uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) also improved significantly in all patients (1.15logMAR preoperatively vs.0.12 logMAR postoperatively). The median spherical equivalence decreased from -3.63 D preoperatively to -0.94 D postoperatively. Keratometry readings remained stable after ICRS insertion; at the final follow-up, the median K flat was 42.90D compared to 44.75D preoperatively, and the median K steep was 45.67D compared to 47.75D preoperatively.


INTACS ICRS implantation is a safe and effective procedure for visual rehabilitation in children with keratoconus and poor CDVA.

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