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Visual results of the secondary implant of collagen co-polymer epicapsular lenses in pseudophakic patients with residual refraction

Poster Details

First Author: L.Fernández-Vega Cueto SPAIN

Co Author(s):    D. Almanzar   R. Montes-Mico   J. Alfonso              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the efficacy, safety and predictability of the piggy-back implant with collamer epicapsular lenses (Implantable Collamer Lens, ICL) for the correction of refraction defects in pseudophakic patients with residual refraction.


Setting: Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega. Oviedo. Spain


The study gathered 20 pseudophakic eyes from 18 patients who were implanted with an ICL (Staar Surgical, Switzerland) in piggy-back to correct a residual refractive error. Uncorrected and distance corrected visual acuity (UDVA and DCVA), sphere, and cylinder were evaluated before and at least six months after the piggy-back implant to allow the calculation of the refractive indexes of efficacy and safety. The Thibos method of vector analysis was used to assess astigmatism


Mean preoperative DCVA was 0.58 ± 0.24 (Snellen decimal scale), with a range of 0.2 to 1.0 and improved to 0.65±0.24 postoperatively. Mean UDVA after the piggy-back implant was 0.40±0.23. The efficacy and safety indexes were 0.79±0.44 and 1.16±0.23 respectively. 65% of eyes reached a manifest sphere of ±0.50 dioptrías (D) and 75% within ±1.00 D. Regarding cylinder 55% of eyes were within ±0.50 D. and 65% within ±1.0 D. regarding safety just one eye (5%) lost a line of DCVA while the remaining 19 (95%) maintained or improved their previous DCVA.


Piggy-back implant of a collagen co-polymer epicapsular lens presents a low efficacy being a possible explanation the attempt to avoid anisometropies, a good predictability, that could be improved by using toric lenses and a good safety that meets expectations.

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