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Relationship between age, corneal astigmatism and ocular dimensions with reference to astigmatism correction during cataract surgery

Poster Details

First Author: O.Collier-Wakefield UK

Co Author(s):    R. Annoh   M. Nanavaty                 

Abstract Details


To assess the relationship between age, corneal astigmatism and ocular dimensions in reference to astigmatism correction during cataract surgery.


Cataract surgery pre-assessment clinic; Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton.


In this cross sectional study of right eyes of 2217 consecutive patients attending cataract surgery preassessment. Data on patient demographics, axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and keratometric astigmatism were collected. Astigmatism was further analysed as against-the-rule (ATR: steepest meridian 180±30˚), with-the-rule (WTR: 90±30˚) and oblique (OB: 30-60˚ or 120-150˚).


Mean age, AL and ACD were 72.11±13.94 years, 23.07±1.72mm and 3.08±0.52 mm respectively. ATR, WTR and OB were found in 39.6%, 42.4%, and 18.0% eyes respectively. 43.7% of eyes had corneal astigmatism >1.00 dioptres (D). Average astigmatism in age ranges 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80+ years were 0.80D, 0.87D, 0.92D, 0.99D, 1.26D respectively. The magnitude of preoperative astigmatism positively correlates with age (p<0.0001). The prevalence of ATR astigmatism increases with age whilst WTR astigmatism decreases (p<0.0001). The magnitude of ATR astigmatism inversely correlates to AL (p<0.0001). ATR astigmatism is more prevalent with increasing magnitude of astigmatism (p<0.0001).


A majority of preoperative cataract surgery patients have astigmatism <1.00D. ATR astigmatism inversely correlates to AL. ATR astigmatism is more prevalent with increasing magnitude of astigmatism, whilst OB astigmatism is less prevalent. The likelihood of a patient requiring astigmatic correction increases with age.

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