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DALK on cornea scarred by hydrops

Poster Details

First Author: L.Upeksha SRI LANKA

Co Author(s):    L. Jayasinghe                    

Abstract Details


to describe the outcome of Deep anterior lamellar Keratoplasty in Keeratoconus complicated by Hydrops scarring


Teaching Hospital, Kandy Sri Lanka


prospective case series. Manual Deep anterior lamellar Keratoplasty was performed in 10 eyes with Hydrops scars. Peroperative complications, postoperative visual outcomes were recorded


all 10 surgeries were successfully completed as DALK and Non were converted to PKP. Five eyes met with intraoperative Descemet perforations, But DALK was successfully completed. average Post operative BCVA (spectacle) at 3/12 was 6/12


Hydrops corneal scar extends from the Descemet Membrane into the corneal stroma. The traditional method of treatment is Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP) which carries a higher risk of graft rejection and endothelial cell loss. Performing Deep Anterior Lamellar Keraloplasty (DALK) on hydrops cornea is technically difficult. Attempting a big bubble is contraindicated as air injection can induce a big tear at the site of previous Descemet's tear precluding a successful DALK. Careful manual dissection can be performed avoiding focal stress on scarred endothelium to yield a successful deep anterior lamelllar keratoplasty which would offer greater graft survival with similar visual outcome.

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