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To develop a nomogram for Descemet's stripping endothelial automated keratoplasty with MORIA microkeratome single use

Poster Details

First Author: V.Saunier FRANCE

Co Author(s):    A. Robinet Perrin   D. Touboul                 

Abstract Details


To achieve ultra thin donor corneal disks for Descemet-stripping endothelial automated keratoplasty (DSEAK) using a nomogram leading to choose the suitable blade holder of the microkeratome according to the donor graft central ultrasonic pachymetry.


Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Pellegrin, Ophthalmology Department, Bordeaux, France.


Patients were enrolled in the study consecutively from June 2014 to February 2015. All DSEAK was performed by the same surgeon. The donor cornea was prepared by the eye bank and cut using Moria microkeratome single use in the operative room attached to an artificial chamber. The target donor lamella thickness was under 120 µm (ultra thin DSEAK). The precut and postcut donor tissue ultrasonic pachymetry, the bottle height, the speed of pass, the endothelial cell density, the patient’s pachymetry and the graft thickness at one month were recorded.


50 eyes of 49 patients were included. 30 patients underwent DSEAK only and 20 DSEAK combined with cataract surgery (40 %). 2 perforations had been reported (4%). The bottle height was between 90 and 110 cm. The mean precut donor cornea pachymetry was 567,08 µm (± 46,5) and the mean endothelial cell density was 2582,1 (± 232,5). We obtained an ultra thin DSEAK in 36 eyes (72%) per-operatively. One month post-operative, the mean donor graft thickness was 96,68 µm (± 34,9) with 82 % of ultra thin DSEAK (41 patients).


The use of a nomogram offers an effective way to achieve ultra thin DSEAK and decrease the recovery times thereby improve the visual outcomes.

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