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Outcomes of single-pass ultra-thin DSAEK

Poster Details

First Author: D.Saunders UK

Co Author(s):    N. Maycock   V. Mas Tur   N. Sabater-Cruz   B. Clarke   R. Nicholson   R. Jayaswal     

Abstract Details


To report visual outcomes and complications of single-pass ultra-thin (SP-UT) DSAEK


Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK


Standardised, sutureless, SP-UT DSAEK was performed in 24 eyes between November 2012 and May 2014. Donor lamellae were prepared using the 450µm, 500µm and 550µm Gebauer microkeratome heads with a target residual thickness of less than 100µm. Best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and OCT central graft thickness were assessed at 1 week and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after SP-UT DSAEK.


Of the patients without pre-existing ocular comorbidities (19), those achieving BCVA of 6/9 or better at 3, 6 and 12 months were 75% (12/16), 64% (9/14) and 80% (9/11) respectively. BCVA was improved from baseline in 88% (21/24) of patients at last follow up. The main complications were raised intra ocular pressure (13%), posterior graft dislocation (13%) and corneal oedema (13%). There was 1 graft failure (4%).


SP-UT DSAEK using Gebauer microkeratome heads produces excellent long term visual outcomes similar to DMEK whilst maintaining the simpler technique in DSAEK.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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