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Superficial hypertrophic dendriform epitheliopathy

Poster Details

First Author: R.Lapid-Gortzak THE NETHERLANDS

Co Author(s):    I. van der Meulen   C. Nieuwendaal                 

Abstract Details


to report a severe and rare complication after PKP


Dept. of Ophthalmology, AMC, University of Amsterdam, NL


Case report describing the occurrence of superficial hypertrophic dendriform epitheliopathy after perforating keratoplasty (PKP).


Within months after an uneventful PKP for pseudophakic bullous keratopathy in an eye implanted in 1990 with an artificial iris artisan lens after trauma the patient developed dendriform lesions on the epithelium of the PKP. Repeated testing for herpes was negative. Search in the literature and consultation over kera-net yielded the correct diagnosis. SHDE seems to be a rare disorder of the ocular surface related to surface irregularity secondary to suture tension, and dry eye. Suggested treatment is aggressive treatment of the ocular surface in terms of lubrication, use of topical immunomodulation, bandage contact lenses, and oral doxicyclin.


SHDE occurs rarely after PKP. The online platform of kera-net aided in finding the diagnosis, and managing the patient.

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