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Combined corneal transplantation with pars plana vitrectomy: graft survival analysis

Poster Details

First Author: P.Gouveia PORTUGAL

Co Author(s):    N. Goncalves   L. Torrao   P. Alves-Faria   A. Rocha-Sousa   F. Falcao-Reis        

Abstract Details


The investigators aimed to evaluate corneal graft survival when a combined procedure (penetrating keratoplasty and pars plana vitrectomy) was performed.


Ophthalmology Department, Hospital São João, Porto, Portugal


A retrospective study of 12 eyes who had combined penetrating keratoplasty with pars plana vitrectomy using Eckart keratoprotesis from January 2012 through December 2013 was undertaken. Data was collected regarding age, sex, corneal and retinal diagnosis. Previous ocular surgeries and preoperative ocular characteristics were noted. Data concerns follow-up through December 2014. The group of patients who presented corneal graft rejection or failure was compared with the group with a viable corneal graft.


Corneal opacity causes were: endothelial decompensation (9 eyes), previous graft rejection (1 eye) and traumatic dehiscence of a previous corneal graft suture (2 eyes). Retinal diagnosis included emulsified silicone oil (4 eyes), reghmatogeneous retinal detachement (3 eyes), traumatic vitreous hemorrhage (3 eyes), tractional retinal detachement (1 eye) and choroidal detachement (1 eye). Corneal graft survival rate was 71% (9/12 eyes). Mean survival time was 736 days. No correlation was encountered between corneal graft rejection and age, corneal and retinal diagnosis, type of retina tamponade. A signification correlation was found for rejection in corneal grafts with continuous sutures (p=0.036).


Combining a penetrating keratoplasty with a pars plana vitrectony using a temporary keratoprothesis allows for a retinal intervention in eyes with a debilitating corneal opacity. Our series suggests that a continuous suture correlates with graft rejection. No other correlations were found.

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