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Endothelial failure after the implantation of a cosmetic artificial iris implant called New Iris®

Poster Details

First Author: N.Barnils Garcia SPAIN

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


We report a case of endothelial failure after the implantation of a cosmetic iris implant in a young man.


Bellvitge Hospital is a tertiary care hospital located in Hospitalet (Barcelona, Spain). It services patients from the surrounding Barcelona area and complex cases referred from the rest of Spain. The ophthalmology service is divided into subspecialties.


A 31-year-old man was complaining of progressive visual loss and photophobia of his right eye (RE) after iris cosmetic lens implanted three years ago. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/400 in RE and 20/20 in left eye (LE). Slit lamp examination showed corneal edema in his RE. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was 21 mmHg in RE and 17 mmHg in LE. The endothelial cell count was impossible in the RE and was 929 cells/mm2 in LE, with some changes in the size and shape of the cells. Corneal pachymetry were 937µm in his RE, and 637µm in his LE.


He was diagnosed of corneal decompensation on his RE and corneal cell loss on his LE. The patient was given topical timolol 0,5% and antiedema 5%( sodium chloride) in both eyes and topical dexamethasone 0,1% in his RE. We performed a penetrating keratoplasty in his RE and the iris cosmetic lens was removed. We found partial iris atrophy because of the implant but we did not find cataract formation. Visual acuity without correction was 20/50 in the RE one month after surgery. There were no problems in the fundus in both eyes. We would like to remove the lens in his LE in the coming months.


The cosmetic iris implants may result in severe ocular morbidity. Complications described in the literature included uveitis, glaucoma, cataract, corneal edema, and decreased visual acuity. Although explantation helped stabilize symptoms, additional medical and surgical intervention to control IOP and corneal transplantation was required in many cases.

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