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Effect of Descemet’s membrane exposure during deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty on postoperative visual outcomes

Poster Details

First Author: s.amano JAPAN

Co Author(s):    M. Kimakura   T. Sakisaka   K. Inoue              

Abstract Details


To examine the effect of Descemet’s (D’s) membrane exposure during deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) on postoperative visual outcomes.


Inouye Eye Hospital and University of Tokyo.


The subjects were 19 eyes in 17 cases (mean age; 58.8±16.6 year old) in which DALK was performed. In all cases, big bubble technique was used first. When big bubble was not formed, layer by layer technique was used.


Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in LogMAR in 15 eyes with intraoperative D’s membrane exposure, at preoperation and 6, 12, 24 months postoperation, was 0.81±0.30, 0.23±0.27, 0.12±0.13, and 0.08±0.15, respectively. BCVA in LogMAR in 4 eyes without D’s membrane exposure, at preoperation and 6, 12, 24 months postoperation, was 0.89±0.68, 0.73±0.19, 0.77±0.28, and 0.61±0.30, respectively. At all postoperative points, BCVA was significantly better in eyes with D’s membrane exposure than that in eyes without D’s membrane exposure (p < .05).


Intraoperative D’s membrane exposure during DALK improves postoperative visual function.

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