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A novel approach to prevent pterygium recurrence
Poster Details
First Author: O.Abdullah IRAQ
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To evaluate a novel approach in preventing scleromalacia by using 0.25mg of Mitomycin C (MMC) for 30 seconds.
Department of Ophthalmology, Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Kurdistan Region-Erbil, Iraq. From November 2009 to November 2014.
After topical and subconjunctival anaesthesia, pterygium was excised in one cut at limbus. Avulsion for primary and shaving for recurrent cases.Then, approximately 1-2 mm tenon was excised under the free edges of conjunctiva, undermining was carried out with placing of intraoperative MMC 0.25mg on bare slera and under the undermined conjuctiva for 30 seconds followed by copious irrigation then superior bulber conjuctival autograft implanted on bare sclera and sutured with 8-0 vicryl. All cases were followed-up for one year.The data was analysed depended on SPSS v22.
A total of 130 eyes of 130 subjects including both genders randomly chosen. The study was carried out in three groups; Group A; graft and MMC, Group B; MMC and Group C; graft. Group A were 90 cases (60 recurrent in which 4 were high myopic), Group B were 20 cases (10 recurrent) and Group C were 20 (7 recurrent). Group A showed no scleromalacia and recurrence. Group B showed 7 out of 20 recurrence but no scleromalacia. Group C showed 15 out of 20 recurrence.
The study has shown that the combination between graft and MMC with shorter duration provides a novel opportunity to prevent scleromalacia and the recurrence of pterygium.
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