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Anti-VEGF to reduce pterygium recurrence

Poster Details

First Author: E.Abdel-Azim EGYPT

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To evaluate and investigate the effect corneal intrastromal and subconjuctival injection of anti-VEGF (Ranibizumab) to prevent recurrence of pterygium. Ranibizumab has been chosen in this work for that it is the only FDA approved anti-VEGF for eye surgeries.


The Eye Unit in Golf Specialised Hospital & Clinics, Ard Al-Golf, Cairo, Egypt.


Seventy patients (mean age : 37 +/- 10.9 year old, women 60 %, Egyptian ancestry 100%) with 70 eyes with primary pterygium were included in this work. Exclusion criteria included recurrent pterygium or any other corneal and/or conjuctival diseases. Patients were put in 2 main groups. Group I (35 eyes) whom underwent pterygium excision with bare-area technique and intraoperative intracorneal and subconjuctival anti-VEGF (Ranibizumab). Group II (35 eyes) whom underwent pterygium excision with bare-area technique and intraoperative application of Mitomycin-C. The main outcomes investigated were the recurrence of pterygium and corneal vascularization at any time during postoperative follow-up.


The 70 eyes of the 70 patients were followed up for an average of 15 +/- 6 months. Group I showed recurrence of pterygium and corneal vascularization in 2 eyes (5.7 %). Group II showed recurrence of pterygium and corneal vascularization in 5 eyes (14.3 %).


In this work, it was clear that intraoperative anti-VEGF (Ranibizumab) has influenced the frequency of non-recurrence of pterygium and corneal vascularization after primary pterygium surgical excision. Further works and investigations will also be needed.

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