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Novel clinical application of processed and amniotic membrane allograft transplant for ocular surface rehabilitation

Poster Details

First Author: L.Vejarano COLOMBIA

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To evaluate the utility and safety of processed amniotic membrane allograft transplantation (AMT) for ocular surface rehabilitation


Multicenter clinical trial. Pacific Eye and Laser Institute, Ospital ng Maynila, East Avenue Medical Center, Philippines


Prospective, open-label, interventional case series. Twenty-four (24) eyes of 22 patients diagnosed with ocular surface disease (persistent corneal epithelial defect, dry eye, filamentary keratitis, neurotrophic ulcer, post refractive surgery, post pterygium excision, corneal decompensation) underwent ocular surface rehabilitation using a processed AMT. The AMT was retained using soft bandage contact lenses which were removed after 2 to 3 weeks. Main outcome measures: AMT integrity, corneal epithelialization, patient comfort, recurrence rates and complications.


Processed AMT remained intact in 23 of 24 (95.8%) eyes. One eye with eyelid retraction from thyroid eye disease developed AMT dislocation and required reapplication and tarsorrhaphy. Complete corneal epithelialization was observed in all eyes after bandage lens removal. All patients reported minimal to no ocular discomfort with processed AMT application. All patients demonstrated reduction of ocular inflammation. None of the eyes required amniotic membrane removal for safety concerns. Three of 24 eyes (12.5%) required reapplication of AMT due to recurrence of epithelial defects.


Processed AMT allografting demonstrated excellent biocompatibility on the human ocular surface. This new biomaterial may be a viable treatment for various forms of ocular surface disease.

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