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Secondary fungal keratitis onto toxic keratopathy: a case report

Poster Details

First Author: A.Sakallioglu TURKEY

Co Author(s):    A. Sakallioglu   V. Gurlu   H. Guclu   S. Ozal           

Abstract Details


To examine the progress of secondary fungal keratitis of toxic keratopathy in a case


Department of Ophthalmology Trakya University Medical School Edirne/TURKEY


Toxic keratopathy associated with abuse of topical anesthetics is a rare clinic entity. Topical anesthetic abuse is one of the causes of ring ulcers. Acanthamoeba keratitis and the other infectious agents are also be thought of differential diagnosis of ring ulcers. Persistent epithelial defects, corneal scarring, and spontaneous corneal perforations are some of the complications of these type of ceratitis.


42 year old male had visual loss and pain in both eyes.It was learned that he has worked in the iron grinding job and he has used topical proparakain hydroclorur + benzalkonium chloride ( Alcaine eye drop, Alcon) for corneal foreign bodies for 3 years. Visual acuity was hand movement in both eyes. Hypopyon in the anterior chamber of the right eye and corneal erosion and ring ulcer of both eyes were determined. Topical Fortified cefazolin and fortified gentamicin were dropped to each eye per hour alternately.Topical cyclopentolate hydrochloride added to the treatment three times per day. C.albicans was the infectious agent of the keratitis as the result of microbiological examination so we added topical fluconazole six times per day.


Toxic keratopathy associated with abuse of topical anesthetics is a non-infectious keratitis.Firstly the access to topical anesthetics sould be prevented and then anti- inflammatory treatment is necessary.But infectious keratitis never be forgotten and the treatment should follow the results of microbiological diagnosis.

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