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The evaluation of ocular surface characteristics of patients with exfoliation syndrome undergoing cataract surgery

Poster Details

First Author: S.Kocabeyoglu TURKEY

Co Author(s):    M. Mocan   M. Irkec                 

Abstract Details


To determine the ocular surface characteristics of subjects with exfoliation syndrome (XFS) diagnosed with clinically significant senile cataract.


Hacettepe University, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara, Turkey


Twenty-five eyes of 25 patients diagnosed with XFS and co-existing visually significant cataract (VA<20/60) and 25 corneas of control patients were recruited for this study. Patients with dry eye, prior history of ocular surgery as well as those with diabetes mellitus were excluded. For all subjects, the break-up time (BUT), lissamine green (LG) staining and Schirmer test (under topical anesthesia) was performed in a standardized order. Ocular surface disease index (OSDI) questionnaire scores were also noted for each subject. Student’s t-test and Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical evaluations. A p value of 0.05 was accepted as statistically significant.


Twenty-five eyes of 25 patients with XFS (group 1) and cataract and 25 corneas of healthy control subjects (group 2) were included in this study. There were no significant differences across the two groups with respect to age (69.7±4.4 y vs. 69.1±4.5 y, p=0.137) and gender (11M/14F vs. 12M/13F; p=0.522). There were significant differences in the BUT scores (9.1±2.2s vs. 10.6±1.3s, p<0.001), LG staining score (0.4±0.6 vs. 0.2±0.2, p=0.015) and the OSDI scores (2.8±3.9 vs. 0.6±1.4, p=0.012) of group 1 as compared to group 2. The results of Schirmer tests appeared to be similar across the two groups (p=0.383).


Patients with XFS undergoing cataract surgery may be slightly more susceptible to ocular surface problems following cataract surgery.

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