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Clinical outcome and visual prognosis in patients with recurrent herpes simplex keratitis in a tertiary referral eye hospital

Poster Details

First Author: S.Kavuncu TURKEY

Co Author(s):    D. Ileri   P. Yilmazbas                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate clinical outcome, visual prognosis and complications in patients with recurrent herpes simplex(HSV) keratitis in an tertiary referral eye hospital


The clinical records were reviewed retrospectively.


Eighty-one eyes of 77 patients with the diagnosis of reccurent HSV keratitis were included in the study. The clinical records of patients were evaluated for ; age, gender, follow-up period, reccurrence , primary corneal anatomical involvment ( epithelial keratitis, stromal/ endotelial, necrotizing,keratouveitis), treatment, resultant visual acuity, ocular complications related to keratitis attacks. Exclusion critera were ; follow-up time less than 6 months, 2 or less recurrences during the follow-up period. To prevent epithelial and stromal reccurrent HSV keratitis oral acyclovir treatment added to all patients after second severe attack.


Of the 1120 records at the Cornea Department of Ulucanlar Eye Research Hospital , 81 eyes of 77 patients ,followed between 2000-2014, fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were included in the study.The mean age was 44.38-21.38 years (range,10 –94 years). The mean postoperative follow-up was 16 -28.08months (range, 0–132 months) Sixteen eyes never have an epithelial keratitis, 12 eyes have keratouveitis,8 eyes have only epithelial keratitis,3 eyes have necrotizing keratitis. Complications related to HSV keratitis were as follows; central corneal scarring requiring penetrating keratoplasty; 5 eyes, glaucoma; 6 eyes, secondary bacterial ulcer; 3 eyes, desmatocele;one eye. At the last examination, 40% of eyes had a 20/32 and better visual acuity, 20% of all have a 20/200 or less.


Recurring HSV keratitis which is one of the major causes of corneal opacity and secondary visual loss should be traeted not only topically but also systematically in serious attacks and frequently recurring cases. Treating HSV cases properly is a part of preventable blindness with infectious etiology.

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