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Bilateral corneal ulcers in vitamin A deficiency

Poster Details

First Author: H.Hsu TAIWAN

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To report a case of bilateral corneal ulcers in a vegetarian with vitamin A deficiency.


Department of ophthalmology, Min-Sheng hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan


A 56-year-old woman complained of blurred vision and pain in her right eye for several days. Slit lamp examination revealed a large epithelial defect and disciform stromal edema with ring infiltration in her right cornea. Unfortunately, hypopyon and purulent discharge subsequently developed in both eyes.


Herpetic keratouveitis and a superimposed pseudomonas infection were diagnosed. A systemic review on the patient showed malnutrition due to her dietary preference and vegetarianism. After the infection was controlled, bilateral epithelial defects persisted for a long time. We performed amniotic membrane transplantation on both eyes and the clinical status improved with administration of vitamin and protein supplements.


Although rare in Taiwan, vitamin A deficiency should be kept in mind when conjunctival and corneal xerosis occurred. Vitamin A supplements are suggested because of the increased susceptibility to infection in patients with this clinical status.

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