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Effect on osmolality of the tear film in managing dry eye syndrome
Poster Details
First Author: T.El-Khashab UK
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
The study was done to determine whether tear film osmolality measurement using Tear Lab is helpful in managing patients with Dry eye syndrome.
Patient with Dry Eye Syndrome were assessed including osmolality of the tear film measurement and were either started on Lacrilube or VitA-Pos in Leighton Hospital.
Full examination of patients with Dry Eye Symptoms were assessed with Slit lamp examination and tear osmolality was also assessed .
If diagnosis was confirmed they were randomly assigned to one of the 2 treatment arms and followed for 4 months .
40 patients were seen at monthly interval and tear osmolality were measured .
Tear Osmolality was found very useful at the initial diagnosis of Dry eye syndrome however less useful to estimate the symptoms improvement .
We recommend testing tear osmolality when starting treatment of patients with Dry Eye Syndrome .
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