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Prevalence of keratoconus among Suez Canal University Hospital patients

Poster Details

First Author: M.Elgharib EGYPT

Co Author(s):    A. Khalil   A. Anwar   A. Ali              

Abstract Details


This work was performed to improve diagnosis and management of keratoconus in Ophthalmology Out Patient Clinic Suez Canal Hospital


Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic, Suez Canal University Hospitals, Ismailia, Egypt


It is adescriptive cross sectional study which estimated the prevalance of keratoconus among patients who attended to Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic of Suez Canal University Hospitals, Egypt. All patients ( 7000 Patients) who attended to the Clinic for consecutive six months complaining of errors of refraction and matching our inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. Complete history was taken and complete clinical examination included Slit lamp examination, Visual acuity, Fundus examination and Best corrected visual acuity were performed. Corneal topography used to determine and diagnose keratoconus


Suspected Keratoconus was found in 68 patienta (0.97%) out of 7000. Proven keratoconus was found in 6 patients out of total 7000 patients.The prevalence of keratoconus was found to be 0.09% among the whole patients which was 7000 patients attended the ophthalmology outpatient clinic of Suez Canal University Hospital through 6 months duration


The number of keratoconus patients is unknown in Egypt. We have estimated the prevalence of keratoconus in one area of Egypt which should extened to include many areas to represent statistically the prevalence of the disease in whole country

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