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The hyper osmotic contact lens for the treatment of corneal edema
Poster Details
First Author: O.Daphna ISRAEL
Co Author(s): A. Marcovich I. Bahar
Abstract Details
To present the initial results using the hyper osmotic contact lens HCL. For the treatment of chronic corneal edema
Hospital prospective study.
RABIN medical center ,Israel
Prospective, randomized crossover study of the HCL in subjects suffering from corneal edema. Each patent was treated in a randomized fashion through the following steps:
• Treatment A: HCL lens only (7 days)
• Treatment B: HCL + salt solution (7 days)
• Treatment C: salt solution only (7 days)
There was One week of washout, without any treatment, in between these steps. Best corrected visual acuity' pachymetry and comfort were documented.
Up to date a complete set of data was collected on 7 patient. In 6 patient Following the treatment of HCL + salt solution there was a decrease of 5.2% in corneal thickness (p value 0.06), and an increase of 6.7 ETDRS letters on average (p value 0.02). One patient demonstrated paradoxical deterioration in every branch of the treatment .The lens was relatively comfort and no serious adverse events were noted. There was no decrease in corneal thickness using salt solution alone.
In our primary results there is a tendency for a decrease in corneal pachymetry and an increase in visual acuity while treating with the HCL + salt solution. This method of treatment is seems to be superior to the current standard of treatment, using salt water alone.
Financial Disclosure:
One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation