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Combined topical treatment with a regenerative agent with a bandage contact lens in a patient with keratoconus and corneal neurotrophic ulceration

Poster Details

First Author: E.Chatzispasou GREECE

Co Author(s):    K. Moschonas   N. Damigos   K. Tsakiris              

Abstract Details


To report the effect of a regenerative agent (RGTA) on corneal healing in a case of neurotrophic ulceration in combination with a bandage contact lens.


Department of Ophthalmology,General Hospital of Athens “Korgialeneio Benakeio”,Hellenic Red Cross Hospital,Greece


A 69 years old male patient presented to our clinic complaining of pain and decreased visual acuity in his left eye.His ophthalmological history revealed keratoconus with myopia and astigmatism treated with rigid contact lens and resistant keratitis due to abused topical treatment.Slit lamp examination showed central corneal stromal infiltration and melting (2/3 of corneal thickness).Firstly he was treated with bandage contact lens(BCL) and artificial tears.Unresponsive to this therapy RGTA (CACICOL20) was added.


Corneal healing was succeeded in 6 weeks.No side effects and no recurrence observed during the follow up.


The combination of RGTA (CACICOL20) with BCL seems to be an effective approach for neurotrophic ulceration healing.

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