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Corneal sensation evaluation of migraine patients with unilateral headache

Poster Details

First Author: U.Celik TURKEY

Co Author(s):    V. Aykut   A. Elbay   S. Karaman Erdur   B. Celik   M. Eliacik        

Abstract Details


The aim of this study was to report on the evaluation of corneal sensation on migraine patients with unilateral headache.


Cornea and Refractive Surgery Department


The study was performed on 20 migraine patients (20 participants: 6 M, 14 F; 17–40 years old) Main measure was corneal sensation evaluation by Cochet–Bonnet esthesiometry.


The migraine patients, applied to neurology clinic, were selected with one-side headache complaints. The patients were selected and evaluated with two different doctors for double blind evaluation. The mean age was 29.43 ±6. Mean corneal sensation was 56.3 ±5.4mm (with a range from 40 to 60 mm) on headache side and 51.2 ±6.2mm on non-affected side, it was found significantly correlated. (P = 0.032).


Corneal sensation is more marked on the symptomatic side of patients with unilateral headache. This is probably the result of pain and corneal reflex threshold changes on the affected side of the trigeminal nerve sensitivity of these patients.

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