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Diabetes mellitus type 2 insulin-dependent and changes of tear film and ocular surface retrospective study 2014 – 2015

Poster Details

First Author: N.Burda ALBANIA

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To investigate the changes of tear film and ocular surface at patients diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Insulin –Dependet .


Polyclinic of Specialties Nr.2, Ophthalmology Service, Tirana


We evaluate the scoring of corneal sensitivity test, Schirmer tets , conjuctival impression cytology, keratoepitheliopathy and tear film break –up time (TBUT) in 78 eyes with insulin-dependet disease and 50 eyes of healthy subjects . . Records where collected for : history of disease , BCVA , Slit lamp exam, corneal stain with fluorescein , cellulose acetate filter paper sample of bulbar conjuctiva anaesthetized .


Conjuctival impression cytology showed squamous metaplasia of conjunctiva at higher degree and goblet cell dentisty in lower levels . Severe keratoepitheliopathy was found also the reduction of corneal sensitivity reduction of TUBT and Schirmer test levels in insulin-depented patients compared to group control healthy individuals .


Dry eye is a common disorder at insulin dependent patients associated with reduction of tear film production resulting in pathological changes of ocular surface . Further investigation must be made to discover the systemic factors related to these changes

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