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In vivo confocal microscopy evaluation of corneal Langerhans cells in Graves’ orbitopathy

Poster Details

First Author: O.Altintas TURKEY

Co Author(s):    B. Ozkan   C. Akdag   N. Yuksel   L. Karabas           

Abstract Details


To evaluate the inflammatory involvement of cornea in Graves’ orbitopathy by means of confocal microscopy, assesing the presence and distribution of Langerhans cells(LCs)


Randomized prospective study


60 eyes of 30 thyroid patientsand 60 eyes of 30 age-matched controls were enrolled. Tear film and corneal confocal microscopy were analyzed. The correlation between clinical activity score and LCs and tear film of thyroid patients were evaluated.


The amount of tear film was decreased and the number of LCs were increased in thyroid patients when compared to controls.(p<0.05) There was no significant correlation between the clinical activity score and the number of LCs.


This study demonstrates the activation of an inflammatory and immunological reaction in cornea of Graves’ orbitopathy patients. Confocal microscopy can be an important diagnostic tool in evaluation and follow up of Graves’ Orbitopathy.

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