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Cataract surgery complemented with descemetorexis in Fuch's endothelial dystrophy

Poster Details

First Author: R.Borbara UK

Co Author(s):    S. Makuloluwe   A. Trunbull   P. Hossain   D. Anderson           

Abstract Details


to describe the surgical procedure and visual outcome of cataract surgery with descemet membrane removal in a patient with Fuch's Endothelial Dystorphy


Ophthalmology Department, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton. UK


Cataract extraction and intraocular lens impantation was performed for a patient known to have Fuch's endothelial dystrophy During the procedure descmet membrane was removed from the posterior cornea, leaving the corneal central 6mm bare. post operative slit lamp images, specular microscopy and anterior segment optical coherence tomography scans were performed.


Postoperative vision has improved following the procedure and patient satisfaction was achieved. Specular microcopy images reveal increase in endothelial cell count centrally compare to preoperatively and anterior segment optical coherent tomography show the missing area decemet layer.


Decematorexis during cataract surgery is a useful method for improving vision in patients that area not candidates for descemt striping endothelial keratoplasty or to postpone the need of such surgery. Visual rehabilitation was achieved and central endothelial cell count has increased compare to preoperative measurement.

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