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The syndrome of pathological posterior capsule mobility

Poster Details

First Author: S.Nikolashin RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    O. Fabrikantov                    

Abstract Details


To study the syndrome of the pathological posterior capsule mobility, to determine its etiology, possible complications and to develop the rehabilitation technology in the posterior capsule damaging.


The Academician S.N. Fyodorov FSBI IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” Tambov branch, Tambov, Russia.


The main group I and the comparison group II were formed. Group I included the phacoemulsification results with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in 12 patients with brown nuclear cataract. When performing the ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) we observed the ruptures and the fibers were partially absent in different segments of all Zinn ligaments portions. Group II included 13 patients with brown nuclear cataract. Using UBM we observed the increase in the length of the anterior and medial ligament portions, the integrity of the posterior Zinn ligament portion.


In group I the greatest mobility was observed in patients with the absence of the posterior ligaments and damages of the anterior and medial portions. In 4 cases the posterior capsule approached the phacoemulsification needle and was injured without hyaloid membrane damaging. The injury was transferred into the posterior 4 mm capsulorhexis. IOL was implanted into the capsular bag. The postoperative visual acuity was 0.68±0.07. In group II we didn’t observe the pathological mobility of the posterior capsule and its ruptures. The postoperative visual acuity was 0.61±0.07.


1. The syndrome of pathological posterior capsule mobility consists of its ability to move actively forward under the influence of aspiration, decrease in intraocular pressure and anterior chamber volume. 2. The conditions for the syndrome occurrence are: - weak Zinn ligaments; - the absence of the posterior cortical layer of the lenticular masses and nuclear fragments in the capsular bag; - Wieger’s capsule-hyaloid ligament destruction 3. The syndrome complication includes the posterior capsule injury by the phacoemulsification needle without hyaloid membrane damaging. 4. The posterior capsule injury rehabilitation involves the posterior perfect sized capsulorhexis creation.

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