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The immunological criteria of postoperative inflammatory complications after cataract phacoemulsification

Poster Details

First Author: S.Medjidova AZERBAIJAN

Co Author(s):    E. Kasimov                    

Abstract Details


Study and estimation of the prognostic role of the systemic and local expression level of the lymphocytes negative activation marker in the postoperative inflammatory complications in the diabetes mellitus patients after cataract phacoemulsification with IOL implantation.


Ophthalmological and immunological examination was carried out in 47 patients with senile noncomplicated cataract (comparison group) and in 49 patients with cataract, complicated by the accompanying diabetes mellitus (main group) before, in a week and in a month after the cataract phacoemulsification with IOL implantation.


During the ophthalmological examination the standard diagnostical methods were used. The method of the indirect membranous immunofluorescence with the help of the monoclonal antibodies panel was used for the estimation of expression level of the apoptosis marker Fas/Apo - 1 (CD95) in the peripheric blood and in the scraping from conjunctiva.


In patients and with the specific manifestations of the diabetic damage to the fundus of the eye there was established the more expressed degree of the initial and postoperative violation of the investigated immunological  indices, testifying about the most predisposition of the given category of patients to the development of systemic and local immunological disbalance. Both in the main and in the comparison groups this investigation had revealed the development of the postoperative exudative inflammatory reaction (EIR) of various degree of severity in all patients with the preoperative reliable increase concerning the control of the local expression level of the apoptosis marker. The local increase of the given indication level in the same EIR was established as well.


With the purpose of decrease of the postoperative inflammatory complications development after the cataract phacoemulsification the performed investigation witnesses about the expediency of the postoperative immunocorrecting therapy in the patients with the increased level of the local expression of the negative activation of lymphocytes.

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