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Scharioth macular lens, the implantable low vision aid for diabetic maculopathy

Poster Details

First Author: K.Habon GERMANY

Co Author(s):    G. Scharioth   C. Krumrey                 

Abstract Details


After promising results of implanting the Scharioth Macular Lens (SML) (A45AMD, Medicontur, Hungary) in eyes with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) we recently extended the indication to diabetic maculopathy (DMP). Our aim is to demonstrate the results of the first implantation in a patient with advanced DMP.


Aurelios Augenzentrum, Recklinghausen, Germany


The SML is a hydrophilic acrylic add-on IOL with bifocal design and a central area of + 10 diopters (D) resulting in a double magnifying effect at a distance of 15 cm. We implanted the SML in a patient with chronic DMP in a dry status after previous PPV, ILM peeling and triamcinolone therapy. Best corrected distance and near visual acuity (BCDVA, BCNVA) was tested pre- and postoperatively.


The BCNVA was tested with Radner Reading Charts (Precision Vision Corporate, La Salle, USA). The BCNVA was Radner 8 (logRAD 0,7) in 40 cm with an addition of +2,50 D and Radner 4 (logRAD 0,7) in 16 cm with an addition of + 6,00 D preoperatively. The uncorrected near visual acuity was Radner 5 (logRAD 0,8) postoperatively. The BCDVA was 0,16 (logMAR 0,80) and remained stable after the surgery. No intra- or postoperative complications occurred.


Initial results of SML implantation indicate that SML has potential to improve the near visual acuity without affecting the distance visual acuity or the visual field, not just in AMD but also in other indications.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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