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Outcome of cataract surgery in patients with traumatic cataract

Poster Details

First Author: N.Gozum TURKEY

Co Author(s):    V. Guliyev                    

Abstract Details


To investigate surgical results in patients with traumatic cataract and assess prognostic factors on visual acuity


Department of Ophthalmology Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University Istanbul Turkey


Charts of 71 patients sustainng ocular taruma and undergoing surgery for traumatic cataract between 2004-2012 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were analysed regarding epidemiologic features, clinical findings and complications.


71 eyes of 14 women and 57 men with traumatic cataract and aged between 5 and 78 years were included. 34 patients presented within 6 hours of trauma, 12 patients between 6-24 hours, 9 patients between 24-48 hours and 16 patients after 48 hours. 41 patients has corneal, 11 patients scleral and 19 patients had corneoscleral injury. 25 patients had blunt and 46 patients had penetrating injuries. In all patients statistically significant improvement was obtained in visual acuity (1.92 logMAR vs 0.75 logMAR). Patients presenting earlier had greater improvement in BCVA and better final VA.


Satisfactory visual results were obtained in most of the cases undergoing surgery for traumatic cataract. Posttrauma admission time, initial visual acuity and secondary complications were the most important factors affecting final outcome.

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