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Cataract surgery in Peters anomaly type 1: a case report

Poster Details

First Author: R.Gonçalves PORTUGAL

Co Author(s):    R. Resende   J. Lemos   C. Menezes   P. Coelho   T. Maio   P. Tenedorio     

Abstract Details


To report a rare case of cataract surgery in a patient with a late diagnosis of Peters anomaly


Department of Ophthalmology, Pedro Hispano Hospital, Matosinhos, Portugal


Clinical case report


A 61-year-old woman attended our Cornea and Refractive clinic by complaints of disturbed vision. Her best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.3 in both eyes. Biomicroscopy revealed central corneal opacity and synechiae between the iris and cornea, as well as corticonuclear cataracts, in both eyes. She underwent genetic study with confirmation of diagnosis of Peters anomaly. She was submitted to successfully bilateral cataract surgery with implantation of toric monofocal intraocular lens (IOL). Afterward BCVA improved to 0.6 bilaterally.


Cases of cataract surgery without penetrating keratoplasty in patients with Peters anomaly are very rare. We presented a case of bilateral cataract surgery with toric IOL implantation in a patient with Peters anomaly that resulted in favorable postoperative visual acuity.

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