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Cataract surgery in child with severe chronic panuveitis
Poster Details
First Author: O.Farouk EGYPT
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Abstract Details
To demonstrate challenging difficulties (pre- intra-post) operative were facing me in this case and how I managed them.
Alsafwa Eye Center. Alexandria,Egypt.
A case of 16 years old teenager with panuvietis underwent cataract surgery with posterior chamber intraoccular lense (IOL).
A 16 years old male patient with sever panuvietis in the right eye with BCVA hand motion, patient was having total anterior and posterior psynechia, lost anterior chamber (AC) pupillary membrane with robiosis after long pre-operative control cataract surgery and IOL with intracamaral and subtenon steroid and strong post-operative control of inflammation, BCVA became 6/18.
With adequate strong long term pre-operative and post-operative control of inflammation, in addition to intraoperative steroid and intensive topical steroid, teenager with panuvietis can demonstrate good surgical outcomes after cataract surgery with posterior chamber IOL.
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