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A young girl, two dangling (subluxated) lenses and two very different tales to tell

Poster Details

First Author: S.Bhatnagar INDIA

Co Author(s):    D. Das   D. Kurien   D. Haria   D. Shetty           

Abstract Details


A clear visual axis is paramount for visual function especially in children and young adults. In the school and college going age this can affect their performance and their entire life. We chose two different surgical techniques in the management of the two eyes believing the the second one was better that the first.


Narayana Nethralaya Super Speciality Eye Hospital and Post Graduate Teaching Institute, Bangalore, India.


Surgical management of subluxated lenses is a challenge for the anterior segment surgeon with varied schools of thought regarding management, especially when it is in young adults. Different surgeons approach this in different ways. In this video, 2 different approaches for management of subluxated lenses are discussed. Two eyes of the same patient had 2 different surgical procedures with the similar short term visual outcome, but extremely contradictory long term outcome.


The first eye had a Scleral fixated intraocular lens (IOL) with Goretex suture being used to fix the haptics to the sclera. This IOL remained stable for the duration of follow up period. In a bid to preserve the capsular bag, the other eye had in the bag fixation of an IOL with the use of Capsule Tension Ring and Capsule Tension Segments. The immediate postoperative outcome was good, with excellent vision. What followed soon after was a series of complications, multiple surgical revisions and finally IOL exchange to a safe sutured SFIOL for achieving a satisfactory visual outcome.


Careful patient selection, a sound preoperative selection followed by appropriate cataract surgery can give optimal visual outcomes in patients with subluxated cataracts.

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