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Prechopping of grade I and II nuclei before hydrodissection

Poster Details

First Author: G.Nouby EGYPT

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To evaluate division of grade I and II nuclei (using Akahoshy Combo II pre chopper) before hydrodissection.


Department of Ophthalmology, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt


Patients with straight forward senile cataract (grade I and II nuclei) were included. 2.2 mm incision, soft shell technique and complete capsulorrhexis. Division of the nucleus (using Akahoshy Combo II pre chopper) followed by hydrodissection and rotation. Another nuclear division to divide the nucleus into 4 quadrants followed by emulsification using torsional phaco.


Perchopping the nucleus before hydodissection could be done without zonular or capsular compromise. This modification improved visualisation of the nucleus and posterior capsule during division. Hydrodissection and rotation were easier.


Pre-chopping before hydrodissection is a safe technique. It improves visibility and can encourage surgeons to use Akahoshy Karate pre-chopping in grade I and II nuclei. It partially breaks the adhesions between the capsule and the lens contents, which makes hydrodissection easier, safer and can be used even in cases with suspected posterior polar cataract.

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