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Experience of capsular bag stabilization at Zinn's zonule rupture

Poster Details

First Author: A.Gorbunov RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    A. Kazennov   V. Kanyukov   I. Kazennova              

Abstract Details


To estimate the efficacy of capsular ring suturing.


The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution Orenburg Branch


At ligamentous apparatus instability (subluxation of 2-3 degree) there are 2 problems: phacoemulsification technique and IOL implantation. At phacoemulsification capsular bag is fixated by irisretractors, at IOL implantation firstly intracapsular ring is sutured. The ring is tied in the middle of arc by suture 10/0 with long straight needle and implanted into the capsular bag so that the ring's arc with the tied suture locates in ligaments rupture place, and free ends tense lens capsule. Then puncture is done by needle through capsular bag, ciliary sulcus and sclera with fixation under previously formed scleral flap, and soft IOL is implanted.


According to this technology there were operated 10 patients with lens subluxation of 2-3 degrees. In postoperative period the position of the IOL was right and stable throughout the observation period. Visual acuity ranged from 0.5 to 1.0. In one case lens decentering was noticed in the late postoperative period, which required additional its fixation to the iris. In 2 cases there was an increase of intraocular pressure, which was offset by medication. Long-term results were followed up to a year.


The analysis of the results of the proposed method of intracapsular ring suturing followed by intraocular lens implantation demonstrates the simplicity and safety of the manipulation, providing stability of the intraocular lens position. Absence of severe intra- and postoperative complications gives reason to believe the used method quite effective and low-trauma.

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