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Patient perception between first and second cataract surgery

Poster Details

First Author: E.Escobar Martín SPAIN

Co Author(s):    N. Kim   C. Carrasco Font   L. Modamio Gardeta   S. De Manuel Triantafilo   A. Arias Puente        

Abstract Details


To compare patient anxiety, pain and subjective duration of surgery between first and second procedure.


Hospital Universitario Fundación de Alcorcón


Prospective cohort study during four months of patients that will undergo surgery on both eyes. In the preoperative patients were asked about the degree of anxiety about surgery and anesthesia. Patients were questioned in the immediate postoperative period by the subjective duration and pain during the procedure according to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The main variables are the difference in the value of VAS and subjective duration between the two surgeries.


A total of 20 patients completed the questionnaires. The primary endpoint of postoperative pain by VAS showed a median of 1.5 (RQ 3) in the first surgery and 2 (RQ 2) in the second. The variable of subjective duration shows in the first surgery a median of 15 minutes (RQ 10) while 20 (RQ 7.5. in the second. Those patients who had presented more pain in the second procedure were preferably female (63.4%) and older with a mean of 77.25 years (SD 3.5) compared to 75.3 (SD 6.0) in the sample mean. Anxiety variable indicates that 45% of patients were not worried about the first surgery versus 55% in the second.


This study confirms the general belief that patients describe the second cataract surgery as more painful and longer.

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