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Phacoemulsification without postoperative steroids: myth or reality

Poster Details

First Author: S.Das INDIA

Co Author(s):    S. Bhattacharya   A. Sahu   V. Deshpande   A. Deb           

Abstract Details


To find the proportion of patients, undergoing phacoemulsification by a single surgeon, not requiring steroids in any form, postoperatively.


Susrut Eye Foundation and Research Centre, HB-36/A/1, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata, India.


Retrospective, single-surgeon study. All consecutive patients who had undergone phacoemulsification, between January 2014 to December 2014 were included. Routine postoperative treatment regimen was topical moxifloxacin four times daily for one week and topical nepafenac thrice daily for six weeks. Routine follow up were on Day1, Day8 and Day29. Steroids were added for preoperative or intraoperative issues like uveitis, posterior capsular rent and iris touch, or later on, if anterior chamber inflammation was more than 3+ cells and/or fibrin at any visit. Data analysis was done to find out the proportion of patients who did not require steroids in any form.


417 consecutive eyes were included. Final visual acuity was 6/18 or better in 408 (97.8%) eyes. 80 (19.2%) eyes required postoperative steroids. Out of these 80 eyes, 3 eyes received oral and topical steroids for preoperative history of uveitis, 13 eyes required topical steroids for intraoperative issues and 64 eyes required topical steroids for postoperative anterior chamber inflammation. 337 (80.8%) eyes did not require steroids postoperatively in any form (intracameral, subconjunctival, topical or oral).


In this study, 337 (80.8%) eyes out of 417 consecutive eyes, which underwent phacoemulsification by a single surgeon, did not require steroids postoperatively in any form.

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