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Videothermography of MICS with different phaco tip design

Poster Details

First Author: K.Boiko RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    S. Takhtaev                    

Abstract Details


To evaluate intraoperative thermal changes in wound area during MICS and its influence on wound alternation and visual outcomes.


IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" State Institute


Camera with Videothermography function ( FLIR Tools, USA) was used to measure temperature changes in wound area with different cataract density grade in groups with 2.2 20 and 1.8 mm primary incision. Anterior segment OCT was made 1st day, 1 week and 1 month post-op to control wound surface and adaptation.


Camera with Videothermography function ( FLIR Tools, USA) was used to measure temperature changes in wound area with different cataract density grade in groups with 2.2 20 and 1.8 mm primary incision. Anterior segment OCT was made 1st day, 1 week and 1 month post-op to control wound surface and adaptation.


In groups with 2.2 mm incision temperature changes were minimal with average of 41 +/- 0,5 degrees. In other groups with 1.8 and 2.0 mm incision there were no difference for the same parameter with average temperature 43,0 +/-0,4 degrees. All results are statistically significant.

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