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Congenital cataract: importance of Pentacam® HR analysis

Poster Details

First Author: S.Monteiro PORTUGAL

Co Author(s):    I. Casal   S. Maia   V. Miranda   R. Parreira   P. Meneres        

Abstract Details


Congenital cataract occurs due to a pathological development of the lens and is the leading cause of blindness in childhood. Due to the age group affected, it’s often difficult to obtain images that better characterizes these opacities. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the importance of Pentacam® HR to characterize the eyes with congenital cataract preoperatively and postoperatively.


Ophthalmology department of Centro Hospitalar do Porto - Hospital de Santo António


We present two case reports.


The first one is a caucasian male newborn that was referenced to ophthalmology consultation due to irregular left eye red reflex detected at the initial screening. The ophthalmologic evaluation revealed marked decrease left eye red reflex and leukocoria likely to be secondary to a visually significant cataract. The study with Pentacam® HR confirmed the presence of a nuclear and posterior subcapsular opacity of the lens. The second case is a caucasian male child with ten years-old that underwent a cataract surgery when he was third months of life. Ten years after the surgery, the study with Pentacam® HR allowed to evaluate the condition of the eye to sulcus intraocular lens implantation.


Given the difficulty to evaluate in detail the anterior segment in this age group, the analysis obtained with Pentacam® HR allows a better characterization of the lens changes and the conditions of the eye in postoperative period. In this age group it is relatively simple for an experienced team to perform a Pentacam® HR examination.

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