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Effectiveness of absorbable vs non-absorbable sutures in paediatric cataract surgery: a prospective randomized comparative trial

Poster Details

First Author: S.Bhatnagar INDIA

Co Author(s):    J. Matalia   P. Panmad   K. Shetty              

Abstract Details


Nylon is a non absorbable suture with the least tissue reaction and vicryl is an absorbable suture with more tissue reaction. Hence we decided to compare the efficacy of 10-0 Nylon (Aurolon, double arm, Aurolab) sutures versus 10-0 Vicryl (single arm, Ethicon) sutures for pediatric cataract surgery in terms of suture related complications and frequency of suture removal.


Narayana Nethralaya, Bangalore, India


26 Children (47 eyes) were involved in this prospective randomized study. Routine Small Incision Cataract Surgery with Lens Aspiration was done in all the children included in this study. 24eyes (48 side ports) were sutured with Vicryl sutures and 23 eyes (46 side ports) with Nylon sutures. They were then followed up at 1 week, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months and were examined for vascularisation, opacification & loosening.


Higher incidence of suture removal was found in Nylon subgroup (30.4 %) as compared to the Vicryl subgroup (14.7 %).Loosening of suture was the most common complication followed by vascularisation and infiltration. In the Nylon sub group, 5 sutures showed loosening, 4 of them vascularised and in 3, infiltration was noted. Whereas in the Vicryl sub group, 2 sutures loosened, 1 of them vascularised and 1 infiltration was seen. Almost 85 % of vicryl sutures absorbed at around 6 weeks follow up.


Vicryl sutures are a viable option in wound closure in Paediatric cataract surgery, having lesser incidence of local tissue reaction and advantage of being absorbed within 6 weeks of surgery.

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