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Changes in the tear film and ocular surface after cataract surgery

Poster Details

First Author: W.Zbiba TUNISIA

Co Author(s):    A. Baba   E. Bouayed   A. Kalel              

Abstract Details


To evaluate changes in tear film function, and ocular surface stability in patients after cataract surgery.


Methods : This hospital-based prospective randomized trial included 48 eyes from 30 patients who underwent phacoemulsification. Slit-lamp examination, Schirmer test, and measurement of tear film breakup time were performed for all patients 1 day before and 1 day, 1 month, and 3 months after surgery.


This hospital-based prospective randomized trial included 48 eyes from 30 patients who underwent phacoemulsification. Slit-lamp examination, Schirmer test, and measurement of tear film breakup time were performed for all patients 1 day before and 1 day, 1 month, and 3 months after surgery.


The mean postoperative Schirmer test results were no different from preoperative values. On the other hand, breakup time results had decreased significantly at 1 day postoperatively (P =0.01) but had returned to almost the preoperative level 1 month postoperatively.


Ocular surface damage during cataract surgery seems to be one of the pathogenic factors that cause ocular discomfort and dry eye syndrome after cataract surgery

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