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Phaco in pre-existing PCR with 3 piece IOL
Poster Details
First Author: N.Prasad INDIA
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Abstract Details
Conventional phacoemulsification has been done in case of pre-existing large posterior capsule rupture uneventfully with implantation of three piece IOL.
Buddha Eye Care & Laser Centre,India
A 21 year old male presented with cataract with PCR . Slow motion phacoemulsification has been done successfully and posterior capsule has been enlarged in circular fashion with anterior vitrectomy . At the end of the surgery 3 piece foldable IOL has been implanted in the sulcus.
Next postoperative day vision was 6/6 with well entered IOL in the sulcus.
This case has been managed successfully conventionally because of fibrosed posterior capsule tear withhold the procedure without fear of enlargement and nucleus drop . Preferred IOL in this case was three piece which was implanted successfully in this case . It is concluded that phaco is safe in post traumatic cataract with fibrosed posterior capsule rupture.
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