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South African experience of Finevision trifocal vs mini-monovision with monofocal IOLS: principles, planning and outcomes

Poster Details

First Author: J.Kruger SOUTH AFRICA

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


Providing a South African study-overview of Trifocal IOL (Finevsion, Belgium) vs. mini-monovision IOL's.


Tygervalley Eye and Laser Centre, Private Ophthalmological Practice, Cape Town, South Africa


Twenty patients who had bilateral Trifocal IOL implants and twenty patients who had bilateral monofocal IOL implants were followed with post-operative visits ranging form 3-18 months. An in-house patient visual functioning and satisfaction questionnaire was drafted based on the CATQUEST design.


Comparing reported patient satisfaction on 12 visual tasks, UADVA, UAIVA and UANVA as well as stereo-acuity and spectacle independence. This is contextualized in an overview of similar research.


Groups were similar in satisfaction ratings, with trifocal group reporting higher spectacle independence and mini-monovison group reporting less dysphotopsias.

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