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Optimizing IOL power calculation in cataract patients with naturally flat corneas

Poster Details

First Author: T.Jurecka CZECH REPUBLIC

Co Author(s):    O. Vlasak   V. Kalandrova                 

Abstract Details


To optimize IOL power calculation in cataract patients with naturally flat corneas (with no prior corneal surgery), specify ocular biometric parameters affecting IOL calculation accuracy for SRK/T, Hoffer Q and Haigis formulas. Improve final refractive results in this subgroup of patients.


NeoVize Eye Clinic, Brno, Czech Republic


Standard optical biometry with Zeiss IOL Master 400 and IOL power calculation using SRK/T, Hoffer Q a Haigis formulas were obtained in a group of 120 cataract patients with naturally flat cornea and central corneal power K< 41.5D. Subjective refraction was measured two months after uncomplicated cataract surgery and difference between target refraction and actual refraction for SRK/T, Hoffer Q and Haigis formulae were calculated. Accuracy of three formulae was tested.


Eyes with naturally flat cornea were associated with greater hyperopic shifts in postoperative refraction with the SRK/T formula, but not with the Haigis and Hoffer Q formulae. The Haigis and Hoffer Q generated slightly myopic results. The best accuracy of SRK/T formula was achieved in subgroup of eyes with flat cornea and preoperative anterior chamber depth ACD< 3mm (median= 2.98mm, SD= 0,26). There was less difference between target refraction and actual refraction two months after phacoemulsification for Haigis and Hoffer Q formulae (p<0.01).


In cataract patients with naturally flat cornea (K< 41.5D) the Haigis and Hoffer Q would be the most accurate formulae. SRK/T formula generates hyperopic result in these patients with the exception of eyes with flat cornea and preoperative ACD< 3mm.

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